Empowering pharmacists in asthma management through interactive SMS (EmPhAsIS): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

An article from the Trials journal

Empowering pharmacists in asthma management through interactive SMS (EmPhAsIS): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

From the methods posted in PubMed: "This study is a pragmatic pharmacy-based, cluster, randomized controlled trial with 12 months of intervention delivery and follow-up. Pharmacies (the clusters) will be randomized at a 1:1 ratio to provide intervention or usual care. The EmPhAsIS intervention consists of patient asthma education, short message service (SMS)-based monthly assessment of adherence, and follow-up of non-adherent individuals by community pharmacists."

Study RegionCanada
OrganizationUniversity of British Columbia
Issue or ProblemIncreasing asthma related medication adherence
Tech MediumSMS
Technology DeviceMobile phones
mFHAST ImplicationOpportunity for use of SMS to improve medication adherence for asthma therapies
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