CDA PRO 2015

[Category: Annnouncements]
CDA PRO 2014 - A Retrospective
As I begin to write this post, there are 45 minutes left in 2014 in my time zone... which means the first calendar year of CDA PRO is coming to a close.

We started the year with a bang - from initial launch through the creation of a 200+ article knowledge base, tens of eLearning videos, a very code-intensive CDA PRO Lookup tool, and all the "packaging" of a web site - from home page to news feeds and automated Twitter posts.

As we entered the summer, things slowed down significantly. The main reason for that is that we've launched a new healthcare IT startup named Carebox - more on that in a moment.

So, those of you who were accustomed to the "fast and furious" pace of the earlier part of the year, may have wondered what happened...

Carebox is a cloud solution that promises to make it as easy as possible for consumers/patients to collect and organize their electronic health records from wherever they are stored - from provider EHR systems to personal health monitoring devices.

The "easy to collect" part involves a wide range of capabilities - from automated/scheduled patient portal "pull", to DIRECT protocol "catching", and more - as well as some supporting services to bridge the gaps that exist today between a consumer's clear legal right to get an electronic copy of their records from any provider/stakeholder that maintains such records on their behalf, and the realities of trying to exercise that right.

The "easy to organize" part revolves around us fully automating the process of normalizing various available APIs and record formats into MU2-compatible C-CDA documents, and then extracting and processing the discrete structured data elements. We also automatically tag and categorize the contents as much as possible. In addition, we provide document-style access to all the records (including scans and images that we can't normalize/structure) with optional explicit tagging and notes to help with search, for those who are so-inclined.

However, unlike a typical PHR or patient mobile application, we are seeking to minimize, rather than maximize, "patient engagement" with Carebox. In our vision, consumers have a Carebox that is there when they need it, without them needing to be "EHR-style data managers" who regularly interact with it.

Our business model is based on "sponsorship" of Carebox by trusted healthcare stakeholders that have an established relationship with their community of customers/members/patients - in a win-win model that gives the consumer full control of their own copy of their records and makes the data available to the "sponsor" (and anyone else the consumer chooses).

I can't yet share everything about our planned pilots and strategic partnerships that we'll be announcing early in the new year - if you're interested, you can learn more on our web site - and you can even sign up for our planned Pre-Release Pilot whereby you can be one of the first to get a (free) Carebox to try out.

CDA PRO 2015
From day one of CDA PRO, I indicated that CDA PRO was a by-product of the incubation of a new healthcare IT startup that we wanted to found. It has been a labor of love and remains near and dear to me - and thus, despite the all-consuming nature of a startup, I plan to continue to advance and expand it during 2015 during the limited personal time I have outside of Carebox.

As a starting point, I took a little time this week to refresh and streamline the site - starting with a new home page. You can learn more about the changes in CDA PRO 2015, by clicking here.

Time will tell how much I am able to invest in CDA PRO this year - as well as what changes are needed as we move through the roll out of MU2 and the various possible scenarios for what comes next - for MU, for CDA, for C-CDA, and for FHIR.

Thank You... And Happy New Year!
Around two years ago, I wrote my first post on the HL7 Structured Documents Workgroup listserv. I was fortunte to get so much support, education, and encouragement from so many wonderful people - I've tried to call out a few of them (though I'm sure I've left out many that should be included) in the CDA PRO site credits page. To them, and no less so to everyone who is reading this post (all the way to the end!) - I can only say THANK YOU.

I hope the value CDA PRO provides and will provide in 2015, can be my too-small contribution to our collective cause. It's only because you are such a special group of people that I can allow myself to think that this constitutes some small fractional "repayment" for everything you have contributed to me...

We're now officially in 2015... so HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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