Mindful Drinking

29 December 2014

Mindful Drinking by Cathy Leamy

A health education comic that provides guidance on how to be more mindful of alcohol consumption drinking habits.

The Ebola Virus

14 October 2014

A YouTube video of a Nova Documentary providing a detailed overview and education on the Ebola Virus

Anitbiotic resistance

Anitbiotic resistance

A YouTube video from This Week in Global Health

20 December 2015

In this episode of This Week in Global Health (TWIGH) they take a look at antibiotic resistance.

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Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines, MMWR...

8 June 2015
The information in this report updates the Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines, 2010.

Peer review plan for Updated Recommendations for Human...

4 June 2015
This report will outline the current scientific data regarding testing MSM for HIV and provide updated recommendations for the frequency of testing for this group. The report will not address frequency of testing for persons other than MSM in the United States.