Change Direction

10 March 2015

Change Direction logo

From the Change Direction website: "America is at a crossroads when it comes to how our society addresses mental health. We know that one in five of our citizens has a diagnosable mental health condition, and that more Americans are expected to die this year by suicide than in car accidents.

While many of us are comfortable acknowledging publicly our physical suffering, for which we almost always seek help, many more of us privately experience mental suffering, for which we almost never reach out.

Drug and Alcohol Use With Diabetes: Comprehensive Guide...

10 March 2015
Coalition Against Drug Abuse

From the Coalition on Drug Abuse: "After research across the resources available on the web, we at noticed the troubling absence of a centralized resource on the dangerous relationship between diabetes, alcohol and other drugs. Because of this, we engaged with researcher Dr. Karen Vieira, PhD MSM to create a comprehensive resource on the implications, contraindications and the latest research regarding substance abuse and diabetes.

Mindful Drinking

29 December 2014

Mindful Drinking by Cathy Leamy

A health education comic that provides guidance on how to be more mindful of alcohol consumption drinking habits.

For the Elderly, Diseases That Overlap

16 April 2013

Screenshot from the NY Times article about overlapping illnesses of the elderly.From the New York Times website: “Alzheimer’s disease, high blood pressure and heart disease are the three most common chronic conditions in assisted living facilities: 82 percent of residents have at least one of them, according to a new government study. But what is alarming is how these ailments overlap.”

Cancer Patient's Health Affected by Spouse's Mood

2 June 2015
A depressed caregiver raises odds of depression in ill loved one, too, study shows Source: HealthDay