SMS text message reminders to improve infant vaccination...

SMS text message reminders to improve infant vaccination...

An article from Vaccine Journal: doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2016.03.065.

26 March 2016
From the background in PubMed: Patient reminder systems are an evidence-based way to improve childhood vaccination rates but are difficult to implement in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Short Message...
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Text message reminders do not improve hepatitis B...

Text message reminders do not improve hepatitis B...

An article from the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association

24 October 2015
From the PubMed article abstract: "In September 2008, Sydney Sexual Health Centre implemented an SMS reminder system. The authors assessed the impact of the reminder system on HBV vaccination rates among patients who...
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The effect of various types of patients' reminders on...

The effect of various types of patients' reminders on...

An article from the Vaccine journal

29 July 2015
From the PubMed article abstract: "Invasive pneumococcal disease is one of the most important vaccine-preventable diseases threatening the adult community due to missed opportunities for vaccination. This study...
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Effectiveness of short message services reminder on...

Effectiveness of short message services reminder on...

An article from BMC Public Health

12 February 2015
From the PubMed article abstract: "Globally, non-attendance for immunization appointments remains a challenge to healthcare providers. A review of the 2011 immunization coverage for Kadoma City, Zimbabwe was 74% for...
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Using SMS to monitor adverse events following trivalent...

Using SMS to monitor adverse events following trivalent...

An article from the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

11 October 2014
From the article abstract: "Trivalent influenza vaccine (TIV) has been recommended for pregnant women in Australia for more than a decade and funded since 2009, yet vaccination coverage remains low. Misperceptions of...
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