HL7 Interface Standards – 3 Challenges

22 March 2014

From the Caristix website: "If you've seen our HL7 Survival Guide, you know it’s chockablock full of valuable information for interoperability and HL7 projects. We’re starting a series of brief snippets and actionable tips based on learnings from the Guide.

Use these tips to get your interoperability projects up and running, educate leadership on interoperability, and sell your vision."

Integration for Healthcare Startups and Teams

30 August 2013

This article breaks down best practices in beginning health information integration projects if you are a startup company or small business. Three main areas of integration project development are examined including scoping and designing the interface specification, addressing data flow issues and managing interface volume.

The HL7 Survival Guide: Introduction

21 May 2013

Screenshot from the Caristix YouTube video about HL7 interfacing

From the Caristix Website: "HL7 interfacing – you can’t live without it but that doesn’t mean you have to suffer as you work to connect the systems that make your environment hum along. This guide will help you get a firm grasp on all the challenges, standards, and choices you need to make along the way, whether you’re developing interfaces on your own or working with a third party."

FHIR for Clinical Users

28 March 2014
HL7 From the HL7 FHIR website: "FHIR is a technical specification, which web–centric technical people understand easily. However the presentation is totally technology centric, and if you aren’t a technical person who understands web technologies, then it’s not obvious what FHIR is or how it works. But you don’t need to know the web side of the technology – the concepts underlying FHIR are really quite straight forward. This page explains the how systems interact with FHIR (which we call the Application Programming Interface – API) using a simple analogy, and if you get this, then you understand it enough to go off and review what really matters to clinicians – the clinical content of the resources.