Chemo Chicks

26 April 2013

Screenshot from the Chemo Chicks websiteFrom the Chemo Chicks website: Living with cancer will change your life and the lives of your family and friends. Your cancer diagnosis becomes a point of reference. You hear yourself saying, "Before I knew I had cancer…" and "After I found out I had cancer…" and the like. We have all heard these statements. Some women take their experience and set examples; inspiring those around her. One such woman is our Jana Rosenblatt aka Ultra Chick!

A fourth stage ovarian cancer diagnosis, while running a successful interior design business, would have stopped anyone - not Jana. In typical Jana fashion, she pounced on the internet, asked a million questions, took advantage of every available resource and cancer support program she could find. All the while, dashing around Los Angeles looking for stylish head coverings, wardrobe alternatives, and make-up to replace her missing eyebrows.

What she found was very disappointing. Even a highly educated woman, with a MFA from NYU in Design for Theater and Film, was finding it very difficult to purchase what she really wanted. As any professional women would, she needed to look presentable and comfortable with her appearance while coping privately with her health. Out of necessity, she began creating, designing, modifying and sourcing alternatives for herself. The reaction was overwhelming. Our eyebrow-missing-bald-on-top- sliced-across-the-middle Jana looked fabulous!

Chemo Chicks is Born!

Double Mastectomy Benefits May Be Overrated for Some

5 June 2015

Many cancer patients mistakenly believe removing both breasts will extend survival, researchers say

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Source: HealthDay

Surgery Not Always Needed for Early Form of Breast Cancer

4 June 2015

No difference found in survival for women with low-grade DCIS who did or did not have surgery

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Source: HealthDay

Are 2nd Breast Cancer Surgeries Always Necessary?

1 June 2015

Study suggests that taking more tissue the first time might reduce need for subsequent procedures

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Source: HealthDay

New Drug Keeps Common Breast Cancer Under Control Longer

1 June 2015

Adding Ibrance to standard hormone therapy kept disease from progressing for nine months

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Source: HealthDay