Are You Buying Anything for Prime Day?

12 July 2016

Normally the best financial wisdom is that if you don’t need anything, don’t go shopping—but Amazon’s Prime Day isn’t as horrible as it has been , so maybe you’ve seen something that looks good this year. If so, what are you picking up?


The Most Effective Ways to Climb a Rope

12 July 2016

Climbing a gym rope is a wicked way to build upper body strength and muscle endurance. Doing so is definitely not easy, even for stronger folks, but there are specific techniques that involve your feet to make climbing a rope a smoother experience. This video from Ryan Ford shows you how.


What Working On a Burlesque Show Taught Me About...

12 July 2016

Last weekend, I helped out with a Guardians of the Galaxy-themed burlesque show. Having no background in theater and even less in burlesque, I was only barely prepared for my job duties. Here’s what I learned about working under pressure when you have no idea what the hell you’re doing.


Global Team Taps into DNA Behind Type 2 Diabetes

12 July 2016

Many common gene variations appear to raise an individual's risk, researchers say

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay

2nd U.S. Case of Bacteria Resistant to Last-Resort...

12 July 2016

Scientists concerned it could lead to more drug-resistant germs

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay