Six Ways Night Owls Can Thrive in a Nine-to-Five Work World

12 July 2016

Crack-of-dawn conference calls, breakfast meetings, or even the fact that the office coffee maker is always turned off by noon are just a few examples of how the work world really is designed for early risers. Night owls, on the other hand, flourish on a different timetable.


Moment, the iPhone App That Tracks Your Usage, Now...

12 July 2016

iOS: We were fans of Moment when it launched a couple years ago , but one problem with the app was how it could only track general iPhone usage. Now, you can really zoom in on your usage with a new app tracker.


The Secret to Great Campfire Cooking Is a Little Patience

12 July 2016

Campfires are arguably the best part of camping, and cooking over them is always fun. But it’s easy to get impatient when you’re hungry and you see flames dancing in the pit. If you want to have the best cooking experience over an open fire, patience is key.


Better Notes for iPhone Organizes Your Notes with Hashtags

12 July 2016

iPhone: There are countless notes apps available for your iPhone, but Better Notes has a neat little gimmick that makes it worth a look. Instead of dealing with tags or folders for organization, it allows you to make Twitter-like hashtags that are easy to search through.

