Remains of the Day: BitTorrent Set to Launch Online News...

13 July 2016

BitTorrent has been trying to shake their association with piracy by developing a new media distribution platform, and one of their initiatives will be an online news TV channel set to launch with coverage of the Republican National Convention.


How Much Pokémon Go You'd Have to Play to Actually Lose...

13 July 2016

There’s no doubt that Pokémon Go is getting millions of people to get moving more, but is just playing it enough to start losing weight? Turns out you’d have to play a lot to start seeing any real results.


Get More Joy Out of Sundays by Doing Week Prep First...

13 July 2016

Taking a little time on Sunday to organize the coming week is a great way to get ahead. But Sundays should also be relaxing so you’re primed for the Monday morning rush. Here’s a way to have the best of both worlds.


Everything You Need to Know About Picking Good Job...

13 July 2016

You know you’re nearing the final stretch of an interview process (and that it’s looking good for you) when a potential employer asks for references. If you’re not prepared, though, you might be left scrambling at the last minute to find a good reference. Who do you ask and what’s the best way to reach out?

