Using Virtual Reality to Induce and Assess Objective...

15 February 2022
Background: Craving is a clinically important phenotype for the development and maintenance of nicotine addiction. Virtual reality (VR) paradigms are successful in eliciting cue-induced subjective craving and may even elicit stronger craving than traditional picture-cue methods. However, few studies have leveraged the advances of this technology to improve the assessment of craving. Objective: This report details the development of a novel, translatable VR paradigm designed to both elicit nicotine craving and assess multiple eye-related characteristics as potential objective correlates of craving. Methods: A VR paradigm was developed, which includes three Active scenes with nicotine and tobacco product (NTP) cues present, and three Neutral scenes devoid of NTP cues. A pilot sample (N=31) of NTP users underwent the paradigm and completed subjective measures of nicotine craving, sense of presence in the VR paradigm, and VR-related sickness. Eye-gaze fixation time (“attentional bias”) and pupil diameter toward Active versus Neutral cues, as well as spontaneous blink rate during the Active and Neutral scenes, were recorded. Results: The NTP Cue VR paradigm was found to elicit a moderate sense of presence (mean Igroup Presence Questionnaire score 60.05, SD 9.66) and low VR-related sickness (mean Virtual Reality Sickness Questionnaire score 16.25, SD 13.94). Scene-specific effects on attentional bias and pupil diameter were observed, with two of the three Active scenes eliciting greater NTP versus control cue attentional bias and pupil diameter (Cohen d=0.30-0.92). The spontaneous blink rate metrics did not differ across Active and Neutral scenes. Conclusions: This report outlines the development of the NTP Cue VR paradigm. Our results support the potential of this paradigm as an effective laboratory-based cue-exposure task and provide early evidence of the utility of attentional bias and pupillometry, as measured during VR, as useful markers for nicotine addiction.

This is the abstract only. Read the full text free (open access) on the JMIR Serious Games website. JMIR is the leading ehealth publisher: fast peer-review - open access - high impact.

The Effectiveness of Serious Games in Alleviating...

14 February 2022
Background: Anxiety is a mental disorder characterized by apprehension, tension, uneasiness, and other related behavioral disturbances. One of the nonpharmacological treatments used for reducing anxiety is serious games, which are games that have a purpose other than entertainment. The effectiveness of serious games in alleviating anxiety has been investigated by several systematic reviews; however, they were limited by design and methodological weaknesses. Objective: This study aims to assess the effectiveness of serious games in alleviating anxiety by summarizing the results of previous studies and providing an up-to-date review. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). The following seven databases were searched: MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore, Scopus, and Google Scholar. We also conducted backward and forward reference list checking for the included studies and relevant reviews. Two reviewers independently carried out the study selection, data extraction, risk of bias assessment, and quality of evidence appraisal. We used a narrative and statistical approach, as appropriate, to synthesize the results of the included studies. Results: Of the 935 citations retrieved, 33 studies were included in this review. Of these, 22 RCTs were eventually included in the meta-analysis. Very low–quality evidence from 9 RCTs and 5 RCTs showed no statistically significant effect of exergames (games entailing physical exercises) on anxiety levels when compared with conventional exercises (P=.70) and no intervention (P=.27), respectively. Although 6 RCTs demonstrated a statistically and clinically significant effect of computerized cognitive behavioral therapy games on anxiety levels when compared with no intervention (P=.01), the quality of the evidence reported was low. Similarly, low-quality evidence from 3 RCTs showed a statistically and clinically significant effect of biofeedback games on anxiety levels when compared with conventional video games (P=.03). Conclusions: This review shows that exergames can be as effective as conventional exercises in alleviating anxiety; computerized cognitive behavioral therapy games and exergames can be more effective than no intervention, and biofeedback games can be more effective than conventional video games. However, our findings remain inconclusive, mainly because there was a high risk of bias in the individual studies included, the quality of meta-analyzed evidence was low, few studies were included in some meta-analyses, patients without anxiety were recruited in most studies, and purpose-shifted serious games were used in most studies. Therefore, serious games should be considered complementary to existing interventions. Researchers should use serious games that are designed specifically to alleviate depression, deliver other therapeutic modalities, and recruit a diverse population of patients with anxiety.

This is the abstract only. Read the full text free (open access) on the JMIR Serious Games website. JMIR is the leading ehealth publisher: fast peer-review - open access - high impact.

How, for Whom, and in Which Contexts or Conditions...

14 February 2022
Background: Using traditional simulators (eg, cadavers, animals, or actors) to upskill health workers is becoming less common because of ethical issues, commitment to patient safety, and cost and resource restrictions. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) may help to overcome these barriers. However, their effectiveness is often contested and poorly understood and warrants further investigation. Objective: The aim of this review is to develop, test, and refine an evidence-informed program theory on how, for whom, and to what extent training using AR or VR works for upskilling health care workers and to understand what facilitates or constrains their implementation and maintenance. Methods: We conducted a realist synthesis using the following 3-step process: theory elicitation, theory testing, and theory refinement. We first searched 7 databases and 11 practitioner journals for literature on AR or VR used to train health care staff. In total, 80 papers were identified, and information regarding context-mechanism-outcome (CMO) was extracted. We conducted a narrative synthesis to form an initial program theory comprising of CMO configurations. To refine and test this theory, we identified empirical studies through a second search of the same databases used in the first search. We used the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool to assess the quality of the studies and to determine our confidence in each CMO configuration. Results: Of the 41 CMO configurations identified, we had moderate to high confidence in 9 (22%) based on 46 empirical studies reporting on VR, AR, or mixed simulation training programs. These stated that realistic (high-fidelity) simulations trigger perceptions of realism, easier visualization of patient anatomy, and an interactive experience, which result in increased learner satisfaction and more effective learning. Immersive VR or AR engages learners in deep immersion and improves learning and skill performance. When transferable skills and knowledge are taught using VR or AR, skills are enhanced and practiced in a safe environment, leading to knowledge and skill transfer to clinical practice. Finally, for novices, VR or AR enables repeated practice, resulting in technical proficiency, skill acquisition, and improved performance. The most common barriers to implementation were up-front costs, negative attitudes and experiences (ie, cybersickness), developmental and logistical considerations, and the complexity of creating a curriculum. Facilitating factors included decreasing costs through commercialization, increasing the cost-effectiveness of training, a cultural shift toward acceptance, access to training, and leadership and collaboration. Conclusions: Technical and nontechnical skills training programs using AR or VR for health care staff may trigger perceptions of realism and deep immersion and enable easier visualization, interactivity, enhanced skills, and repeated practice in a safe environment. This may improve skills and increase learning, knowledge, and learner satisfaction. The future testing of these mechanisms using hypothesis-driven approaches is required. Research is also required to explore implementation considerations.

This is the abstract only. Read the full text free (open access) on the JMIR Serious Games website. JMIR is the leading ehealth publisher: fast peer-review - open access - high impact.

Data-Driven Classification of Human Movements in Virtual...

10 February 2022
Background: Sustained engagement is essential for the success of telerehabilitation programs. However, patients’ lack of motivation and adherence could undermine these goals. To overcome this challenge, physical exercises have often been gamified. Building on the advantages of serious games, we propose a citizen science–based approach in which patients perform scientific tasks by using interactive interfaces and help advance scientific causes of their choice. This approach capitalizes on human intellect and benevolence while promoting learning. To further enhance engagement, we propose performing citizen science activities in immersive media, such as virtual reality (VR). Objective: This study aims to present a novel methodology to facilitate the remote identification and classification of human movements for the automatic assessment of motor performance in telerehabilitation. The data-driven approach is presented in the context of a citizen science software dedicated to bimanual training in VR. Specifically, users interact with the interface and make contributions to an environmental citizen science project while moving both arms in concert. Methods: In all, 9 healthy individuals interacted with the citizen science software by using a commercial VR gaming device. The software included a calibration phase to evaluate the users’ range of motion along the 3 anatomical planes of motion and to adapt the sensitivity of the software’s response to their movements. During calibration, the time series of the users’ movements were recorded by the sensors embedded in the device. We performed principal component analysis to identify salient features of movements and then applied a bagged trees ensemble classifier to classify the movements. Results: The classification achieved high performance, reaching 99.9% accuracy. Among the movements, elbow flexion was the most accurately classified movement (99.2%), and horizontal shoulder abduction to the right side of the body was the most misclassified movement (98.8%). Conclusions: Coordinated bimanual movements in VR can be classified with high accuracy. Our findings lay the foundation for the development of motion analysis algorithms in VR-mediated telerehabilitation. Trial Registration:

This is the abstract only. Read the full text free (open access) on the JMIR Serious Games website. JMIR is the leading ehealth publisher: fast peer-review - open access - high impact.

Serious Games Without Screens. Comment on “Involvement...

9 February 2022

This is the abstract only. Read the full text free (open access) on the JMIR Serious Games website. JMIR is the leading ehealth publisher: fast peer-review - open access - high impact.