The "Have I been pwned" API, rate limiting and...

The "Have I been pwned" API, rate limiting and...

15 August 2016
It's almost 3 years ago now that I launched the Have I been pwned (HIBP) API and made it free and unlimited. No dollars, no rate limits just query it at will and results not flagged as sensitive will be returned....
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What you should and shouldn't worry about when you...

What you should and shouldn't worry about when you...

8 August 2016
There's a lot of people getting themselves worked up about the Australian census whose five-yearly cycle falls due today. For the most part, it's like any other normal census we've done ever since I can remember, but...
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Create a Dashboard That Displays All Your Fitbit Data on...

5 August 2016

Fitbit’s alone won’t make you healthy , but the more you see the data, the better understanding you can have of what you need to do. Over at Initial State, they made a guide that creates a big dashboard of all your Fitbit data so you can easily see it visualized.


Conversations for Health

Conversations for Health

Managing conversations that make a difference in primary care and family settings

2 August 2016
From the Conversations for Health: The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) funded this series of conversation experiences to understand the impact of simulated role-play conversations, featuring virtual humans, in...
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Stop the madness! Ridiculous security scare tactics revealed

Stop the madness! Ridiculous security scare tactics revealed

29 July 2016
You know the best way to sell security products? Scare the shit out of people. I mean make them really genuinely fearful that if they don't have the thing you're pushing that a bunch of nasty stuff will happen to...
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