Open Hotel Alert Notifies You When Sold Out Hotels Make...

16 August 2016

Open Hotel Alert makes sure you get a spot in your preferred hotel on your next vacation, convention, or other trip—even if it’s sold out when you try to book. Just tell it where you’d like to stay and when, and if the hotel is sold out now, it’ll text or email you when something opens up.


What Hiring Managers Discuss After You Leave the Room

16 August 2016

If you’re like many people I know, you worry about what hiring managers say about you the second you exit the interview. And you therefore probably assume that they nitpick the heck out of your answers and only hire the people with zero faults.


Reduce Constant Back-and-Forth Emails With If-Then...

16 August 2016

If you find yourself constantly getting sucked into long, ping-pong style email conversations, using if-then statements might help you save some time.


Build a Pokémon Detector With a Raspberry Pi

16 August 2016

Keeping track of which pokémon are spawning in your area in Pokémon Go usually requires you to keep your phone open and running. Over on Adafruit, they show off a way to build your own pokémon detector using a Raspberry Pi Zero.

