The Myths and Realities of 'Doing What You Love'

17 August 2016

One issue that you’ll see constantly debated in books and articles about choosing a career is the idea of “doing what you love.” Should a person “follow their passion” as a primary guiding light for their career? Or does it make more sense to choose a career based on income and aptitude?


Have a More Enjoyable Staycation by Planning It Out Like...

17 August 2016

Staycations are a great way to take a break from work while still saving some money , and they can be equally as enjoyable as a normal vacation. But your days off can turn into a humdrum week of sitting in front of the TV if you don’t plan accordingly.


The Joy of Coding Humble Book Bundle Features Cheap...

17 August 2016

The Humble Book Bundle has released a new collection of books aimed at coders called The Joy of Coding. It comes packed with several books from No Starch Press that teach a variety of coding languages and concepts.


The respite, peace, and sense of solitude that we get...

17 August 2016

The respite, peace, and sense of solitude that we get from exploring and playing No Man’s Sky is a topic we’ve already covered , but if you’re thinking about picking it up, definitely head over and read Kotaku’s review. [Kotaku ]

