Chrome Dev Puts Articles On Your New Tab Page With New...

18 August 2016

Google’s been experimenting with adding articles you might be interested in to the new tab page in Chrome for a while . The latest Chrome Dev version has updated this flag with some new, interesting options.


Child Abuse May Shorten Some Women's Lives

18 August 2016
Extreme stress may affect the way the body's cells function
Source: HealthDay

How to Get a Refund on Accidental Purchases in Any App Store

18 August 2016

Earlier this year, a California court ruled that Facebook had to refund parents for their kids’ accidental in-app purchases. If you’ve been there, or you’ve accidentally purchased an app you didn’t want yourself, the good news is most digital stores offer some kind of refund policy. Here’s how to get your money back.


Website enumeration insanity: how our personal data is...

Website enumeration insanity: how our personal data is...

18 August 2016
I've just wrapped up a couple of Hack Yourself First workshops down closer to home in Australia and true to usual form, attendees found some absolute zinger security implementations. Previous workshops have found...
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