Remains of the Day: Twitter's New Filter Aims to Remove...

18 August 2016

Twitter has announced a new set of tools for dealing with harassment. There’s now an optional “quality filter” that can limit notifications you receive from people based on their previous behavior and account origins, ideally filtering out hateful language from anonymous users.


Learn Basic Flight Attendant Lingo With This Handy Glossary

18 August 2016

If you’ve ever wondered what flight attendants mean when they say things like “prepare doors for departure” or “cross-check complete,” this glossary explains everything you need to know.


Store Leftover Tomato Halves Cut-Side Down In the Fridge

18 August 2016

Whole tomatoes can be stored in the fridge or at room temperature, depending on how ripe they are . But if you’ve already sliced into one, the fridge is always the best place for them to be. Here’s how to do it right and maximize their freshness.


Four Simple Remedies for Avoiding Burnout

18 August 2016

After working on a demanding grant application for a charity for several weeks, I was exhausted. When my boss asked me to perform simple tasks it was all I could do not to snap at her. And when my colleagues and friends asked how the new job was going, I made cynical jokes about how it was a waste of time. I didn’t know it then, but I was burnt out.

