Open Thread:  For The Love of Whiskers

19 August 2016

G’morning all! It’s time for another great way to start to your Friday in this weeks Open Thread for Hackerspace, brought to you by Lifehacker in association with CEO, COO, CFO & Founder of stuff we don’t know about Mr. Andy Orin.


How to Choose the Perfect Back-to-School Laptop

19 August 2016

It’s a great time to buy a laptop. Back to school deals are on now, and new models are hitting store shelves. We’ve talked about how to pick the perfect laptop , but if you’re headed to college, or even back to school, and aren’t sure what you’ll need, you have it tougher. Don’t worry, we’ll help you through it.


Curb Impulse Spending by Focusing on the Space Between a...

19 August 2016

Impulsive spending can be a sneaky little budget-destroyer. We all know that, and there’s no shortage of tips for eliminating it. If you want to get to the root of your impulsive spending problem, though, focus on the space between the impulse and your action.


Keep Your Toilet Sparkling with These Three-Ingredient...

19 August 2016

Nobody wants to spend time scrubbing toilets, but you also don’t want to subject guests (or yourself) to a grimy bowl. These DIY pods are an easy way to keep your toilet clean without a lot of work.

