Windows Updates May Reinstall Bundled Apps That You...

19 August 2016

Windows 10 is mostly a step up from previous versions , but it also comes with a bunch of annoyances. For example, all of the bundled apps that Microsoft includes with it. Or the fact that some users are seeing those apps re-installed after a big update.


Learn to Remove a Leech With This Handy Chart

19 August 2016

Summer’s a great time to spend the day out on the lake. Leeches think so too. If you take a dip in your local lake and come out with a new gross friend, don’t panic. Just follow the steps in this graphic to get rid of it.


Every Way to Eat a Tomato Before the Season is Over

19 August 2016

I love berries as much as the next person, but tomatoes are the real reason for the sunny season. These jewels of the vine have so much to give, and sometimes I get overwhelmed by all the potential deliciousness. To help get the most out of the season, here are some of the best ways to eat this delicious, sweet, and tangy fruit.


The No Man's Sky Playlist

18 August 2016

No Man’s Sky is an infinite exploration game that’s split fans down the middle . What nearly everyone can agree on, though, is that it’s beautiful. The same goes for the soundtrack, which is the subject of this week’s playlist.

