Use Ok, Google Voice Commands to Control Videos In YouTube 

21 August 2016

Android: Google’s voice commands are incredibly powerful . However, you might not have noticed that you can use them while watching videos on YouTube. Simply say “Ok, Google” and you can send a bunch of commands directly to the app.


Transform an Old Window Screen into a Hanging Herb Garden

21 August 2016

We’ve discussed several ways to bring a garden into a small space , but this method is particularly interesting. Just grab some old window screens, scrap wood, a couple of hinges and a screwdriver, and of course your herbs and pots.


Tabletop RPG Showdown: Dungeons & Dragons 5E vs. Pathfinder

21 August 2016

When it comes to roleplaying games, there are two titans that dominate: Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. They have a lot of similarities, but both games bring something very different to the table. Whether you’re an experienced gamer, or never touched a d20 before, here’s everything you need to know to make the right choice for you.


Six Grilling Tricks for That Last Minute Summer Barbecue

21 August 2016

Summer may be on the way out here in North America, but it’s not completely gone, and there’s plenty of opportunity to fire up the grill. If you do, these burger and meat grilling, grill cleaning, and other cooking tricks will help you plan and cook the perfect warm weather, outdoor meal.

