Understanding account enumeration, the video tutorial...

Understanding account enumeration, the video tutorial...

22 August 2016
I've been running my Hack Yourself First workshop all over the world where I talk to software developers about various security risks which they then get to exploit firsthand. It's a lot of fun and very hands on and...
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What to Look For When Buying a Serrated Bread Knife

21 August 2016

A decent serrated bread knife should be able to carve through crusty breads, split cake layers, slice squishy tomatoes, and easily cut stacked sandwiches with ease. If you’re tired of your knife making a mess out of your food, here’s what you should look for in a new one.


Build a Raspberry Pi-Powered, Alexa-Infused Alarm Clock

21 August 2016

Your phone is probably the smartest alarm clock you’ve ever owned, but if you’re looking for a project that’s a little more playful, Nick Triantafillou shares a smart alarm clock on that integrates Alexa, If This Then That, and more.


Your Renters and Homeowners Insurance May Cover Theft...

21 August 2016

You get a lot of coverage for your buck with renter’s insurance. For example, you might be surprised to learn that most policies cover stuff that’s stolen outside of your home. It’s called “off-premises” coverage, and many homeowner’s policies include it, too.


Prime Members Can Upgrade to Surround Sound For $150...

21 August 2016

If you’ve always wanted surround sound at home, but have been scared off by its cost and complexity, Amazon’s running the best deal we’ve ever seen on Vizio’s turnkey 5.1 sound bar system.

