Use the "Train Like You Fight" Technique to Learn New...

22 August 2016

Training is an important part of learning any new skill. However, if your training doesn’t resemble the actual setting you’ll need to use your skills in, it’ll be harder to remember. Try to make your practice match your final context as much as possible.


Legroom on Most Major Airlines, Compared in One GIF

22 August 2016

Most of us don’t choose the airline we fly so much as we choose the most convenient and affordable flight, but if you’ve ever wondered what your odds are of flying comfortably on JetBlue, United, Southwest, or heaven forbid, Spirit, are, this legroom GIF shows you at a glance.


Genes Might Explain Hispanics' Added Longevity

22 August 2016

Differences in 'genetic clock' may help them age more slowly than other ethnic groups, study finds

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay

The Walt Whitman Diet, Every 100-Meter Dash Winner Ever,...

22 August 2016

The 1900s-era origins of the battle for net neutrality, drone footage of Norway’s midnight sun set against it’s beautiful mountains, Walt Whitman’s suggestions for “manly health and training” and more, in this week’s Brain Buffet.

