Visit Popular Sightseeing Spots in Early Afternoon for...

22 August 2016

Even if you plan your trip to avoid your destination’s busy season , there are just some sites that are so popular they’ll always have a crowd. Take advantage of the natural thinning around lunchtime so at least you can see the sights with fewer people.


Get Yourself a Laminator For $16, Because Why Not? 

22 August 2016

You probably didn’t wake up today planning to buy a laminator. I doubt you have a stack of papers sitting on your desk waiting to be laminated. But even so, I’m here to tell you that today’s the day you should buy a laminator.


"The Essence of Finance Is Time Travel"

22 August 2016

Balancing your budget seems like a simple task. Just spend less than you earn , right? If you’ve ever wondered why such a simple task can become so complicated, it’s because optimizing your financial life involves a fair bit of time travel.


If You Want to Bond With Someone, Swear With Them

22 August 2016

Our modern culture has some strange taboos. While many of us are comfortable watching exceedingly adult shows like Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad, swearing at the dinner table is right out. However, if you want to bond with someone, dropping a few profanities might be a good idea.

