Use Instagram to Find Places to Visit (and Avoid) on...

24 August 2016

One of the best parts of any vacation is finding that unsung local landmark. Perhaps it’s a neighborhood bar that blew you away, a cultural monument rarely mentioned in travel guides, or an amazing burrito from a street cart. Over on the New York Times, Jenna Wortham points out that Instagram’s a great tool to find these types of places.


Spotio Gives Spotify on Mac a Rdio-Inspired Skin

24 August 2016

Mac: Spotify’s darker design is great, but it’s not for everyone. If you’re nostalgic for the light theme of the now-defunct Rdio, Spotio is a clever little hack that’ll reskin Spotify to give it a similar look.


Adrenaclick Is a Cheaper Alternative to the EpiPen

24 August 2016

If you carry an EpiPen in case of a deadly allergic reaction, you’ve probably noticed the price skyrocket over the last decade. The injectors now cost over $600 and still expire after a year, so it may be tempting to carry an expired EpiPen, or none at all. There’s an alternative, though: the Adrenaclick is a different device that delivers the same drug.


Build a USB Hub That Snaps Into a Raspberry Pi Zero

24 August 2016

The Raspberry Pi Zero is great, but it’s lacking USB ports. Instructables user Sean Hodgins shares his project that adds four USB ports to the Pi Zero with a cleverly designed little board.


The Easiest, Tastiest Way to Use a Bunch of Zucchini 

24 August 2016

Zucchini is a pretty versatile vegetable. It grills great on a kebab, fries up into crunchy little coins, and can even be used as a sub for noodles, but all of those iterations pale when compared to the spreadable delight that is zucchini butter.

