Night Mode Enabler Brings Back Android Nougat's Night Mode

25 August 2016

Android Nougat : For reasons mankind can’t yet fathom, Google keeps teasing us with a sweet Night Mode in Android betas, then yanking it at the last second . Fortunately, it’s still buried in the latest version. This app brings it back.


Google Is Bringing Project Fi's Wi-Fi Assistant to All...

25 August 2016

Last year, Google became a cellphone carrier with Project Fi. One of Fi’s most distinguishing features was that it could automatically hop on trusted Wi-Fi networks to reduce your data load. Now, that feature is coming to all Nexus users.


Find Out How Facebook Thinks You Lean Politically With...

25 August 2016

If you use Facebook regularly, the site probably has a ton of information about you. It uses this information to determine which ads to show you. Now you can see what Facebook thinks about you, including where you land on the political spectrum.


How to Fly Spirit Airlines Without Losing Your Mind

25 August 2016

Spirit Airlines gets a lot of crap . Most of the time, that crap is well deserved. They’ve ditched their lame attempts at bawdy humor and their CEO, which is a couple of steps in the right direction, but they’re still brazenly cheap and the epitome of uncomfortable, bare-bones flying. The problem is, their prices are enticingly low. It’s possible, however, to fly this cheap, unaccommodating airline without losing your mind.

