The Wall Mounted Workspace

30 August 2016

Alex’s workspace is notable not just because he has a great-looking ultrawide and a spacious desk, but also because everything’s wall-mounted. The display is mounted to a partition wall the cables are run behind, there’s bias lighting everywhere, and yes, his PC is mounted to the wall too, in an acrylic case no less.


Why Sodas Like Mountain Dew Are Worse for Your Teeth...

30 August 2016

It’s no secret that soda is bad for your teeth, but some are a lot worse than others. Turns out, citrus-flavored sodas like Mountain Dew can have more teeth-rotting power than most colas.


Remains of the Day: Sonos Speakers to Get Voice Control...

30 August 2016

Sonos is opening up their speakers to work with Amazon Echo and Spotify. Starting next year, you’ll be able to control playback on Sonos speakers with voice commands through Alexa-enabled devices.


Four Things That Will Get Your Computer Use Monitored at...

30 August 2016

If you weren’t already aware, there are people in your company’s IT department that can see all if they need to. Most of the time, they’re busy with other things, but these four activities will likely put you under the microscope .


How I Keep Myself Accountable Using Dead Man’s Snitch

30 August 2016

I’m a list maker when it comes to getting things done, so much so that my lists have lists. But who will hold me accountable or remind me if I forget a task? I took some inspiration from our developers to set up an alert using Todoist, Zapier, and Dead Man’s Snitch.

