Make Natural Wood Stain Using Common Household Items

31 August 2016

Maybe you’re working on a small hobby project and are looking for a unique way to stain your wood without those noxious chemical fumes. You want your birdhouse to attract animals of discriminating tastes, right? Here are a few wood-staining techniques you can try using items you might have in your kitchen.


Now Is a Good Time to Change Your Dropbox Password

31 August 2016

Dropbox was reportedly hacked back in 2012 . In 2014, hundreds of Dropbox passwords were leaked by an anonymous hacker . Now Dropbox is forcing password changes on anyone with a password older than 2012 . This story keeps unfolding, but here’s the bottom line: Change your Dropbox password now.


Four Tips to Help Control Freaks Be Better Team Players

31 August 2016

Remember back when you were in school, and your teacher would announce that a new group project was being assigned? If your classrooms were anything like mine, you recall hearing a collective groan echo from chalkboard to chalkboard.


These Are Your Five Favorite Desktop Computer Speakers

31 August 2016

Nearly 200 of you sounded off in the nomination round to help us find your five favorite computer speaker systems. But there can only be one, so check out the nominees, vote at the bottom of the post, and turn up the volume in the comments to stump for your pick.


How I Transformed My $3000 Mercedes S-Class Into A...

31 August 2016

For those who haven’t yet had the pleasure, moving day is a life milestone that tests your patience, your wallet and your sanity. Chucking all of your stuff in a truck and transporting it across town is hard enough, but when you don’t have a truck and are staring down the barrel of a 1,000 mile journey, your only choice is to get creative.

