Save 10% on Anker's Brand New Speed Series Chargers

1 September 2016

Anker’s brand new Speed Series chargers combine three different technologies to provide the fastest charging speeds to any device:


How A Hurricane Is Going To Kill You

1 September 2016

The good news is that a modern hurricane will probably not directly kill you. The bad news is that there are many ways you can kill yourself when a tropical system comes knocking on your door. Let’s talk about the way people die in hurricanes so you can avoid becoming a tragic statistic.


How to Start Swimming for Exercise

1 September 2016

If Katie Ledecky, Simone Manuel, or good old Michael Phelps inspired you to take another look at your neighborhood pool, probably the biggest thing holding you back is the question: what do I actually do when I’m in there? Here’s how to turn a day at the pool into a satisfying workout.


Why You Definitely Need to Calibrate Your TV

1 September 2016

When you drop hundreds on an HDTV, you expect it to work out of the box. Yet somehow, in 2016, we still have to tweak color settings, adjust brightness, and make other changes to get the best picture. How is it possible that with all the technical leaps televisions have made over the years, TVs still require calibration?


Recipe Steps You Don’t Really Need to Follow

1 September 2016

Some people are naturally skilled in the kitchen. They can just kind of wing it and their meals turn out awesome. For those of us who need to follow a recipe to a T, winging it isn’t really an option. There are, however, some recipe steps that aren’t terribly important.

