Not Even Close Friends Know When You're Being Sarcastic...

1 September 2016

Sarcasm is hard to catch in text because there are no other cues for you to go off of, like tone of voice or body language. That’s why it’s best saved for people you have a close relationship with , not professional correspondence. And even then, a recent study suggests friends and family still probably won’t get it.


Why We Get Embarrassed and How to Overcome It

1 September 2016

In 2003, I turned in an extra credit project for my high school business law class. I had perfectly interwoven what was essentially the story of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone with a gripping contractual law element. It was somewhere around 40 pages long. You can guess what happened next.


Save 20% on the Vacuum Insulated Takeya Bottle of Your...

1 September 2016

Takeya, the company behind this popular cold brew coffee maker, also makes vacuum insulated stainless steel water bottles, and Amazon’s taking an extra 20% off select models at checkout today.


Station Is a Multi-Level Dock Replacement for OS X

1 September 2016

Mac: Ever wished your Dock had more levels? Station is a replacement Dock that allows you to create groupings that can then be stacked up into multiple levels.


Duet Turns Your iPad Into a Travel-Friendly External Monitor

1 September 2016
Duet Display

I’m spoiled with a spacious 4K monitor while I’m at home, but when I’m traveling, my laptop screen just feels that much smaller. Fortunately for me, there’s a magical $20 app called Duet Display that turns my iPad into a fully functional second monitor.

