Antibacterial Soap Is No Longer FDA-Approved

2 September 2016

Within a year, soaps containing antibacterial ingredients like triclosan will be gone from store shelves. The US Food and Drug Administration announced a rule today that it’s no longer considering these ingredients safe and effective in soaps sold to consumers.


Make Super Quick Soft Serve With Frozen Fruit and...

2 September 2016

Sweetened condensed milk is a surefire shortcut for making no-churn ice cream and, when paired with frozen fruit, it can be transformed into a frozen dessert in almost no time.


Will It Sous Vide? Creamy Cheesecake Edition

2 September 2016

Hello, everyone, and welcome back to another swirling, whirling edition of Will is Sous Vide? , the column where you get to tell me what to do with my Anova Precision Cooker. (If you need a quick primer on sous vide cooking, check out our guide here .)


To Improve Your Work, Talk to The People Who Benefit From It

2 September 2016

If you want feedback on your work, it’s easy enough to get it. Just ask your boss. However, if you want especially useful feedback, talk to the people who benefit from your work.

