Figure Out Your Maximum Lift With This 1-Rep Max Calculator

6 September 2016

Finding out the maximum amount of weight you can currently lift, or your 1-rep max, is exhilarating, but it can also be risky and dangerous. Instead of testing it out in the real world yourself, you can get a fair estimation another way: Lift between 5 to 8 reps , remember the amount of weight you lifted , and plug them into this calculator.


Get More Done By Focusing on Systems Instead of Goals

6 September 2016

We all have things that we want to achieve in our lives—getting into the better shape, building a successful business, raising a wonderful family, writing a best-selling book, winning a championship, and so on.


Cities With the Biggest Return on Home Value in the Past...

6 September 2016

Contrary to popular belief, real estate barely outpaces inflation over time. On the other hand, it’s hard to make generalizations like this because some areas have seen huge returns in housing. Trulia looked at 100 metro areas to find the places with the highest and lowest home appreciation values.


Improve Your Cover Letter by Comparing It to Your Resume

6 September 2016

You know you have to tailor both your resume and your cover letter to every job you apply to, but it’s easy to do so much that they overlap. They should complement one another instead, to tell one story about your skills. Before you send in your application, make sure they fit together nicely.

