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It’s not a camera bag that holds a few other things, it’s a bag for everything that holds a camera.
iOS: Airmail is one of the best email apps on iOS provided you don’t mind spending a little time tweaking it. Today, the app’s getting a bunch of new features that push those customization options even further.
It won’t be long until leaves start falling, and you can suck them all up with this Black & Decker blower vac, now down to just $38 for Prime members. This model can create a 230 mph gust of wind to blow leaves and other debris off your patio, or, with the turn of a knob, start vacuuming and mulching them into the attached bag.
If you’ve been itching to learn photography but aren’t sure where to start, former Stanford professor and Google teacher Marc Levoy has released his entire course, which includes video lectures, slides, and more online for free.