Cure the Hiccups by Drinking Water From the Opposite...

6 September 2016

There are an endless number of hiccup cures out there, and many of them involve drinking something . This doctor recommended method shows, however, that it’s not really what you drink, but how you drink it that’s important.


Remains of the Day: Google Drive Gets Better Duplicate...

6 September 2016

Google Drive can now more easily manage duplicate files. Previously if you downloaded a file, edited it, and then uploaded it back to Google Drive, you’d end up with multiple files of the same name. Now it’ll recognize that you’ve just added a newer version and will keep a revision history.


The Best Times to Fly If You're Hoping for an Upgrade to...

6 September 2016

Even a frequent flier with elite status has a hard time nabbing an upgrade to first class these days. If you want to increase your odds, you need to know when you should fly.


Get Firm, Stable Peaks from Egg Whites with a Pinch of...

6 September 2016

Cream of tartar (“potassium bitartrate” if you’re nerdy) is a substance with many uses, but it’s stabilizing properties will help take your egg whites to new, resilient heights.


Five Key Things to Consider About Early Retirement

6 September 2016

Going down a path toward retiring early, whether you’re in the middle of your career and looking to just shave a few years off or you’re early in your career and looking to shave off a decade or two, is like running a very long footrace on uneven ground. You can see that amazing finish line in your head, but there’s a lot of ground to cover first and some real potential for something unexpected to happen.

