Adjust Your Work-Rest Cycles When Exercising In High Heat

8 September 2016

The heat can make your usual workout a lot more difficult. It also puts you at risk of heatstroke if you’re not careful. If you want to get your sweat on when it’s burning up outside, adjusting your intervals can make it a little easier and safer.


Everything I Know About Leadership I Learned from Star Trek

8 September 2016

It’s Star Trek’s 50th anniversary , and while I could wax rhapsodic about the impact the show had on me, one thing that persists, even now, every day, is how I learned how to be a good leader by watching Starfleet captains. Sometimes they were exceptional. Other times they really weren’t. I always learned something.


Which Box Spring Should I Buy For My Casper, According...

8 September 2016

Earlier this year, I finally decided to take the plunge and get a Casper mattress. I had a problem though; I really liked my metal bed frame, but my box spring wasn’t really designed with foam mattresses in mind. So rather than find a friend with a pickup truck and schlep to a mattress store or IKEA to buy a new one, I asked Casper for a recommendation. Turns out, you can buy a box spring on Amazon, and get it delivered straight to your door.


How to Upgrade to iOS 10 Right Now

8 September 2016

iOS 10 is arriving next Tuesday , but if you have the patience of a teenager, don’t worry, it’s possible to upgrade to iOS 10 right now.

