Google's Hangouts Extension Operates More Like Its Own...

9 September 2016

Chrome: Google has released an update to its Hangouts extension that gives it a bit of a new look alongside some new functionality.


Elevate Your Evacuation: The Squatty Potty Has a Rare...

9 September 2016

Did you know you’ve been pooping all wrong? It’s true! Luckily, the obscenely popular Squatty Potty is designed to lift your legs into an ideal bowel movement position, and you can get the 7" model for just $17 on Amazon today, the best price we’ve ever seen. It might not last long though, so it’s time to poop or get off the pot.


There's No Such Thing as a "Free" iPhone 7, Even If...

9 September 2016

The iPhone 7 is here , and that means carriers are scrambling to offer you ways to upgrade your phone. The most popular deals right now include free or drastically discounted iPhone 7's. There’s a catch though.


Here’s What’s Actually in Low-Calorie Ice Creams

9 September 2016

Regular ice cream is packed with sugar and fat, making it best for occasional treats in small doses. But a few brands, like Halo Top and Arctic Zero, are now making frozen desserts with impossibly tiny calorie counts. What’s actually in them?


Chickpeas Make a Surprisingly Good Tuna Salad Substitute

9 September 2016

There is no denying that the chickpea is the shining star of the vegetarian substitution world. It makes a great fritter, its liquid can take the place of egg whites , and it makes an excellent tuna-like salad.

