Add a Random Button to Netflix With This Chrome Extension

11 September 2016

Chrome: Ever wished Netflix had a random button? Random Button for Netflix is a Chrome extension that adds just that.


What You Should Know If You Think Wells Fargo Ripped You Off

11 September 2016

Wells Fargo is set to pay $185 million in penalties for illegal sales practices. If you’re a Wells Fargo customer, here’s what you should know about it.


Give Yourself a Sense of Control to Overcome Your...

11 September 2016

When your motivation is low, it’s hard to get started on your work. And nothing can sap your motivation quite like feeling you’re out of control of your work. To counter that feeling, give yourself ways to feel in control.


The Retailers That Offer “Good Student” Discounts

11 September 2016

We know about student discounts , but as Kyle James of Rather Be Shopping points out, some retailers offer “good student” discounts, too. For students who earn good grades, some companies and restaurants offer sweet rewards.


Affordable Electronics Board Showdown: Raspberry Pi Zero...

11 September 2016

DIY electronics boards are getting cheaper and cheaper. Since the launch of the Raspberry Pi, the extremely popular, portable computer-on-a-board, countless new boards have shown up. Even so, few are cheaper and tinier than the $5 Raspberry Pi Zero and the $9 C.H.I.P. Let’s take a look at how they compare.

