Top 10 DIY Photography Projects You Can Do This Weekend

10 September 2016

Whether you love taking pictures with a DSLR, your smartphone, or something in between, now’s a great time to get that perfect shot. If you need accessories, some lighting, a studio, or other tools to help you get it, here are some great projects that take a little time, energy, and some DIY spirit.


Common Rookie Plumbing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

10 September 2016

Doing your own plumbing repairs can save a bundle of cash, but there are all sorts of little things that you might not think of that can send your DIY projects awry. Here are a few mistakes that amateur plumbers often make.


Three Reasons Why Tiny Paper Cuts Hurt So Much

9 September 2016

Even the smallest of paper cuts can leave you with a lingering, uncomfortable pain that feels like something much worse. Here’s why paper cuts are more irritating than most other cuts and scrapes.


Remains of the Day: Twitter Launches an Amazon Alexa App

9 September 2016

Listen—it’s the beautiful sound of tweets being read aloud by a robot. Twitter has just launched a new ‘skill’ for Alexa-powered devices like the Echo that lets you interact with the service with just your voice.

