Pokémon Go Update Blocks Root Users, Here's How to Play...

12 September 2016

Android: Over the weekend, Pokémon Go rolled out an update that will allow you to set one Pokémon as your buddy . Neat! It also stealthily blocks the game from anyone with root access. Not as neat. Here’s how to get around this limitation and play anyway.


How Far You Can Drive Your Car on Empty, In One Chart

12 September 2016

Of course, you would never let your tank get so low that the little light popped on warning you that you should really, really refuel, but if you did, this chart outlines exactly how much further you can expect to go on what little is left in the tank.


Something to 'Like' about Facebook

12 September 2016

Personal messages from close ties may boost your well-being, study says

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay

What Everything Is Made of, Little Known Facts About the...

12 September 2016

This week we’re looking at what “things” are made of—as in, everything: you, the planet, the computer you’re using right now, some great fall festivals to look forward to, why there are 24 hours in the day, and what happens when new tech meets old laws.


Three Writing Tips From Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author...

11 September 2016

Writing is something everyone should do on some level. No matter what makes you put pen to paper, these three tips from Jennifer Egan will help as you continue your own writer’s journey.

