Will it Sous Vide? Let's Pick Another Topic!

12 September 2016

It’s Monday, which means it’s time for you to pick another crazy sous vide adventure for me to embark on. Last week got slightly out of hand in the best way possible, and I ended up cooking six Hot Pockets with my Anova .


Do Things the Hard Way Every Once In a While to Improve...

12 September 2016

If you can do something the easy way or the hard way, why would you ever pick the hard way? While the easy way is fine most of the time, you might want to try the more difficult path every once in a while to learn how to improve your process.


Limit How Much Information You Have to Process to Avoid...

12 September 2016

There’s no denying that the information age has been beneficial, making it easy to learn about nearly any topic quickly. However, that information overload comes at a cognitive cost. If you force yourself to process to much information, you can slip into what’s known as a “mental fog.”


If You Want a Roomba, Today's the Day to Buy It

12 September 2016

Life’s too short to vacuum every other day, but luckily, you can pawn that tedious chore off to your very own robot, and one of the best is on sale today.

