Zus Is Almost the Best Car Charger You Can Buy

14 September 2016

Over on Kinja Deals, I’ve come across hundreds of USB car chargers, and while they vary in shape, size, power, and number of ports, they’re all basically just that: Car chargers. Nonda had the bright idea to add some Bluetooth-powered smarts to its $30 Zus Smart Car Charger, and the results are truly awesome, save for one serious flaw.


How to Enable App Extensions in Apple Maps

14 September 2016

One of the neat new features in iOS 10 is the ability for third-party apps to integrate into Apple Maps. These extensions are not enabled by default, so you might totally miss them if you don’t bother digging into the Settings app.


Go Commando With Vuori's Kore Shorts

14 September 2016

Underwear? Where we’re going, we don’t need underwear.


Learn to Breathe Better While Swimming With These...

14 September 2016

Breathing is so easy on land that we don’t think about it, but in the water, we have to coordinate our whole body just to grab a breath of air. This video can help you fix some of the ways you may be making this task even harder than it needs to be.


OpenBay Finds Quotes and Books Appointments For Car...

14 September 2016

BWeb/Android/iOS: Comparison shopping for car repairs is hard when you can’t actually drag your car from one shop to another. OpenBay helps solve this by getting you quotes from various shops in your area.

