Ask Yourself "But What's the Cost?" After You Find Out...

16 September 2016

Wouldn’t it be nice if we lived in a world where the price tag on something is all you’d ever have to pay for it? Unfortunately we don’t. So, the next time you buy something important, ask yourself how much it costs after you ask its price.


Chrome Beta 54 Now Lets You Play Video In the Background...

16 September 2016

Unless you use YouTube Red , playing videos in the background on Android is probably pretty rare. That’s changing in the new Chrome Beta, which allows you to play videos from web pages in the background. Yes, even YouTube.


Will It Sous Vide? The Great Scrambled Egg Scale Up

16 September 2016

Hey everybody, and welcome back to another hot and steamy installment of Will It Sous Vide?, the weekly column where you tell me what to cook with my Anova Precision Cooker.


Here's how broken today's web will feel in Chrome's...

Here's how broken today's web will feel in Chrome's...

16 September 2016
Last week Google announced some changes to Chrome, specifically that come January 2017, practices like this are going to start resulting is browser warnings: That's just one of many such examples I've called out...
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