How Much You’ll Get For Your Old iPhone, Depending on...

16 September 2016

The iPhone 7 is officially in stores today. New phones are never cheap, but you can, of course, trade in your old phone to offset the cost. If you’re thinking of trading up your iPhone 5 or 6, GoBankingRates has a useful chart to see who offers the best price.


Celebrate Guacamole Day with Us in Today's Open Thread

16 September 2016

Hola, como estas? Welcome to the Friday Open Thread, hosted by HackerSpace, the reader-run community of LifeHacker. Happy Independence Day to our friends in Mexico! Is your avocado ripe? Oh excellent! Come join us for a dish of homemade taquitos!


Don't Limit Yourself to One Mentor, Get Multiple...

16 September 2016

Mentors are a valuable source of guidance that help you move your career forward , but one isn’t enough. Don’t limit yourself to one person’s perspective or experience. Having multiple mentors, or at least people to talk shop with, takes the pressure off and broadens your horizons.


See the Monster Under Your Bed Coming From a Mile Away...

16 September 2016

Finally, someone made the Glow Bowl, but for everywhere else in your home. This motion-sensing light strip is billed as an under-bed night light, but you could just as easily attach it under your bathroom counter, along a railing, beneath your baby’s crib, or anywhere else you might need to venture in the middle of the night. For a limited time, you can get one for just $20 with code SJMFQK08.

