Breeze Through the Unfriendly Skies With Aer's Travel Pack

22 September 2016

It’s not enough to simply buy a compliantly-sized roller bag anymore, the sorry excuses for airlines we’re stuck with will still end up making you check it half the time. If we’re forced to carry bags though, we can at least love them.


TunnelBear Cleans Up Its Interface, Improves Connection...

22 September 2016

Windows/Mac: TunnelBear is one of the best VPN services around , but the faux-retro wood aesthetic always put it in the ugly bin. Today, they’ve updated their apps so they look and work a bit better.


The Windows Laptop to Beat Now Has an Unbeatable Refurb Deal

22 September 2016

If you threw my MacBook Pro into a volcano and threatened to do the same to me unless I chose a Windows laptop to replace it, I’d absolutely choose the Dell XPS 13.


Put the Knife Away, Use the Ground to Crack Monster Squash

22 September 2016

By “use the ground,” we mean drop it on the ground. Seriously: Cook’s Illustrated pointed out that, as long as you don’t need pretty, perfect slices, your best bet for that thick-skinned monster squash you’re planning to cook is a thick plastic bag, and a trip outside. Wrap it up, drop it down, and you’re good to go.

