Ease into "Deliberate Learning" with the Five Hour Rule

23 September 2016

Deliberate learning, when you set aside time and effort specifically to learn, helps you make progress mastering a new skill because you’ve dedicated time to thinking and reflecting. But finding the time can be tough, so use the five hour rule, where you set aside five hours a week to better yourself, to ease into it.


Today's Best Deals: Socks, Shoes, SSDs, and More

23 September 2016

Amazon sales on socks and running shoes, plus discounted SSDs lead off Friday’s best deals.


Make Amazing Homemade Pretzels With Baked Soda

23 September 2016

Old-fashioned pretzels get their distinct flavor and color from lye, a super alkali (basic) substance that might be a little intimidating for home use. Luckily, you don’t have to use the super caustic stuff to make a better pretzel, you just need to bake some baking soda.


The Earth Awaits Builds a Custom Budget Based on Your City

23 September 2016

Your dollar goes further in certain cities, depending on the cost of housing and the cost of living in general. If you’re unfamiliar with an area, you may not know how to budget your life accordingly. The Earth Awaits helps build a custom budget specific to cities all over the world.


Treat Your Feet to a New Pair of Socks In Today's Amazon...

23 September 2016

Whether you’re a man or woman, runner or tennis player, #TeamNoShow or #TeamKneeHigh, there’s a pair or socks with your name on it in today’s Amazon Gold Box.

