Don’t Let These Myths Scare You Away From a Flu Shot

27 September 2016

Flu shots work, and are a smart way to reduce the chances that you’ll end up sick this winter. But that’s not the impression you might get if you listen to the rumor mill. Flu shot myths abound, and it’s time to put the biggest ones to rest.


Life, Uh, Finds a Way with Two Trees Botanicals

27 September 2016

Make your desk into the adult version of Jurassic park, because nothing goes better together than toy dinosaurs and air plants.


ForkIt Turns Healthy Home Cooking Into Video Game Quests

27 September 2016

iOS: When people ask me how they can start eating healthy, I usually encourage them to cook at least one or two more homemade meals per week. If they’re not used to cooking, even that is asking a lot. ForkIt makes it more fun (and less daunting) thanks to some gamification elements.


How I Completely Rebuilt My Jeep's Transmission In One...

27 September 2016

I recently bought a 1948 Willys CJ-2A Jeep only to learn the transmission had been obliterated by severe corrosion. I was convinced that this budget off-road project was dead in the water, as parts for that gearbox were prohibitively expensive. Then I completely rebuilt the trans in one night for less than $100. Here’s how.


Learn About Your Local Elections Now So You Don't Fake...

27 September 2016

The presidential race is just one of dozens on the ballot this November. The House and Senate are up for grabs, and there are local elections for everything from school boards to judges. Your vote is likely to make a difference at these levels, and the results are more likely to affect your life directly. Don’t wait until election day to sort it all out.

