I'm A Dad Who Can Finally Buy Something Fun: What Car...

27 September 2016

Having a daughter is a great, life affirming experience. Having a daughter sometimes means buying a more practical vehicle than you’d ever wanted. Now that Mike’s daughter is getting her license he’s ready to have a new life affirming experience with an automobile. What car should he buy?


Add a Recently Closed Apps and Documents Stack to Your...

27 September 2016

A recent items list is a great way to quickly access applications, documents, servers, and whatever else you tend to frequently need. macOS includes an option to search for this stuff in the menu bar, but How-To Geek points out a way to add a special icon to your Dock.


Everything You Should Know Before You Bring a Dog Home...

27 September 2016

Bringing a dog home for the first time may seem easy, but there’s a lot to consider . This graphic from the Santa Fe Animal Shelter is a quick primer to what you need to know and consider before your first furry companion comes home with you.


Don’t Let These Myths Scare You Away From a Flu Shot

27 September 2016

Flu shots work, and are a smart way to reduce the chances that you’ll end up sick this winter. But that’s not the impression you might get if you listen to the rumor mill. Flu shot myths abound, and it’s time to put the biggest ones to rest.


Life, Uh, Finds a Way with Two Trees Botanicals

27 September 2016

Make your desk into the adult version of Jurassic park, because nothing goes better together than toy dinosaurs and air plants.

