The Family Work and Gaming Space

27 September 2016

Redditor musaffa1 wanted a space where the whole family could spend some time together, and the family that games and works together is a family who stays together. He came up with this family-wide workspace, and it looks great.


You're Far More Likely to Make Writing Mistakes Late at...

27 September 2016

Whether it’s catching up on email, or working on a novel, the early morning or late hours of the night is when a lot of people finally start pecking their keyboard. But if you can help it, skip the late night sessions and save yourself some embarrassing mistakes and editing.


Glue Wood Joints Together Without Any Clamps Using Super...

27 September 2016

Wood glue takes a while to set, and that can be a problem when you can’t use a clamp to hold the two pieces in place. For situations like that, a little super glue is all you need.


You Can and Should Eat Shrimp Shells

27 September 2016

There’s no arguing that the shell is the most unappealing part of the shrimp, but—with the right prep and seasoning—they can be transformed into a crunchy, savory snack.


Jackery Stuffed a Battery Pack Inside a Lightning Cable

27 September 2016

Jackery makes some of the most popular battery packs around, but the Jackery Jewel is unlike anything else on the market.

