Apple Tracks Your iMessage Contacts, May Share Them With...

28 September 2016

What you say in your iMessages may be somewhat private and safe from the prying eyes of law enforcement, but the people you have in your contacts list isn’t. In fact, Apple logs your iMessage contacts almost every time you enter a new number to start a message.


How to Totally Disable Widgets on the iOS 10 Lock Screen

28 September 2016

iOS 10 is packed with its share of new features, but the lock screen is easily the biggest change. With that, comes a new widget screen that has all kinds of potential to mess with your privacy. Here’s how to disable it completely.


VotePlz Uses iMessages to Help Convince Your Friends to...

28 September 2016

iPhone: Registering to vote is by no means complicated, but if you want to pester your friends a bit to make sure they register, Voteplz is a clever little iMessages App for doing so.


Breville's Smart Grinder Pro is the Coffee Grinder You...

28 September 2016

You cannot make good coffee with a bad grinder, but your grinder should also be a joy to use.

