Silent Site Sound Blocker Only Lets Whitelisted Tabs...

29 September 2016

Chrome: We’ve all been there—you open a site in a new tab, and it starts playing audio in the background. Or worse, you open it in the foreground and it starts a video in some random corner of the page while you read an article. Silent Site Sound Blocker puts an end to that nonsense for good.


What To Expect When You Daily-Drive A Vintage Car

29 September 2016

I’m barreling down Interstate 35 just south of Austin, Texas in a sand-colored 1969 BMW 1600, headed for a long weekend of questionable choices and hazy recollections on South Padre Island. I had only owned the car, my first old BMW, for six months or so, and I was still getting to know the eccentricities, but the tinge of burning oil seemed a bit distinct among the other odors that come with a car that had been on the road a full decade before I was born.


Make Incredible Focaccia at Home with Store-Bought Pizza...

29 September 2016

You can buy pizza dough at the grocery store, but that doesn’t mean you have to make pizza with it. Lucky Peach has an array of great uses for store-bought pizza dough, but one of my favorites is this homemade focaccia that looks absolutely incredible.


Break Out of Your Dinner Rut With a Few Fancy Swaps

29 September 2016

Having dependable recipes that you can make any night of the week is an important factor in eating at home, but it can get a little monotonous. To mix it up without creating too much work for yourself, swap out “standard” ingredients for those that feel just a bit fancier.

