Kick Off a Cleaning Spree With the "10 Things" Rule

29 September 2016

When you’re scraping the bottom of the barrel for motivation, even simple things like cleaning the house can seem overwhelming. This mental trick can turn a quick tidying session into a full on cleaning frenzy.


How Attentional Bias Makes You Obsess Over Buying Stuff...

29 September 2016

Every few days, my attention will be grabbed by some new thing (or, on occasion, some old thing that had slipped my mind). Maybe it’s a movie. Maybe it’s a board game. Maybe it’s a new gadget. Maybe it’s a book. Whatever that thing is, something about it sucks in my attention.


Get a Closer, Cheaper Shave With This $20 Merkur Safety...

29 September 2016

Lifehacker readers love Merkur safety razors, and you can get your very own for a great low price today on Amazon.


Use AppCleaner to Reset Any Mac App Back to Its Default...

29 September 2016

We’re fans of AppCleaner as an app uninstaller , but over on How-To Geek, they point out that the free software is also useful for resetting apps back to their default state.


Google Maps for Android Gets Voice Search and Commands

29 September 2016

Android: Google’s updated Google Maps to respond to voice commands. This means you can use “OK Google” to do all sorts of things, like alter your navigation path, find gas stations, and plenty more.

