Build a Trip Wire Alarm From Parts You Have in the House

2 October 2016

If you ever feel the need to make your own salvaged part trip wire alarm, it turns out it’s a pretty easy process. Over on YouTube, Node walks you through it.


Mausr Helps You Identify Unknown Symbols

2 October 2016

If you come across a symbol you’ve never seen before, or you want to look up the unicode for a certain symbol, it may be a small challenge to search for it if you’re not entirely sure of its name. Mausr lets you draw the symbol instead, then identifies it based on your drawing.


Manage the Context of Your Work Space to Resist Distraction

2 October 2016

Your brain likes to jump from one task to another when things start to get tough. Distractions are easy. If you want to resist losing focus, control the context around where you work. The fewer opportunities to get distracted, the better.


Boil Potatoes in Half the Time with an Electric Tea Kettle

2 October 2016

Boiling potatoes is the first step to getting mashed potatoes, and mashed potatoes are something that I want in my face as quickly as possible. To speed up this delicious process, Epicurious recommends enlisting the help of an electric tea kettle.


Screen Real Estate Showdown: Ultrawide vs. 4K Monitors

2 October 2016

If you want the ultimate in desktop screen space, you have two options: Get a bigger monitor, or get a 4K monitor. Both options offer you more space to spread out and work, and more pixels to cram your windows into, but two are the focus of many monitor-buyers today: Ultrawide and 4K. Let’s see how they stack up, practically.

