Amazon Ditches Its Controversial Incentivized Review Program

4 October 2016

Until recently, Amazon’s review system allowed for a deceptively biased loophole: users could receive free products from companies in exchange for an “honest” review. These were still pretty biased, so Amazon’s getting rid of them.


Watch Google's "Made by Google" Hardware Event Live...

4 October 2016

Today, Google will be announcing a host of hardware, all under a brand new “Made by Google” banner. Gone is the Nexus program of yesteryear. If you want a front row seat for the action, you can watch it here.


The 25 Best Films of the 21st Century, And Where to...

4 October 2016

There have been a lot of great films released since the year 2000, but some of them stood above the rest and elevated the medium to a whole new level of storytelling. These are the 25 best films of the 21st century according to film critics around the globe, and where you can watch them for yourself.


The Big Bike Ride Bag

3 October 2016

A couple weeks ago, I ventured off on a stupid 135 mile bike ride through the mountains of Southern California. It was tough to decide what exactly to bring along, but here’s what I landed on.


Why You Need a "Recipe Corner" in Your Fridge

3 October 2016

Finding out that someone has used a key ingredient you bought for a specific dish is frustrating, even worse when “someone” was you. Designate a “recipe corner” in your fridge to stop your family or housemates from using up ingredients you need for a meal later in the week.

