A straightforward to-do list might make you more productive, but it can also make your job feel tedious and boring. It’s time to start reincorporating your big goals within your to-do lists.
Cold weather means warm beverages, and nothing feels more “fall” than a hot, steaming mug of apple cider. To make a beverage that drinks like pie in a glass, just add in a little coconut milk.
There are few numbers that can make you feel prouder of your money-management skills than a strong credit score. And for good reason: Lenders use credit scores to determine everything from the interest rate on your mortgage to whether you qualify for the juiciest credit card rewards.
In a world so full of misery and dread, it’s important that you take pleasure in the small things. So why not start by getting everything monogrammed?
The end-to-end message encryption Facebook promised to Messenger users back in July has finally finished rolling out to everyone. Here’s how to enable it.